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Invitrogen™ Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase
Invitrogen Lyo-ready Bst-DNA-Polymerase ist eine firmeneigene Mutation von Bst-DNA-Polymerase, einem großen Fragment, mit einer schnellen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit, erhöhter Empfindlichkeit und erhöhter Toleranz gegenüber Inhibitoren.
Marke: Invitrogen™ A56657
Invitrogen Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase is a proprietary mutant of Bst DNA polymerase, large fragment, with a fast reaction speed, increased sensitivity, and increased tolerance to inhibitors. By retaining strong strand-displacement activity, this enzyme helps enable highly efficient isothermal amplifications such as loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP).
Invitrogen Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase is a proprietary mutant of Bst DNA polymerase, large fragment, with a fast reaction speed, increased sensitivity, and increased tolerance to inhibitors. By retaining strong strand-displacement activity, this enzyme helps enable highly efficient isothermal amplifications such as loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP).
Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase possesses 5´→3´ DNA polymerase activity and lacks 5´→3´ exonuclease activity and 3´→5´ exonuclease activity. It is also a glycerol-free enzyme, enabling assay lyophilization and use in microfluidics-based technologies.
Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase features
• Fast target detection in as little as 10 minutes
• Enhanced sensitivity down to 50 copies using optimized reaction buffer in (RT-)LAMP reaction
• Robust amplification, even from inhibitor-containing RNA or DNA samples
• Ability to optimize LAMP or RT-LAMP reactions to fit your needs
Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase can be used for a wide variety of applications including:
• Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
• Whole genome amplification (WGA)
• Rolling circle amplification (RCA)
• Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA)
• Helicase-dependent amplification (HDA)
• Exponential amplification reaction (EXPAR)
1. If performing real-time LAMP detection with SYTO 9 Green Fluorescent Nucleic Acid Stain, dilute the stock to 50 μM with nuclease-free water before every use.
2. SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase and RNaseOUT Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor are recommended for reactions containing RNA targets.

Stand-alone enzyme | |
Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase | |
• Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase (30 μL at 40 U/μL) |
65 °C | |
40 U/μL |
1200 U | |
200 Reaktionen | |
Trockeneis | |
≤10 minutes |
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