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Thermo Scientific™ CellSensor™ NFAT HEK 293T DA Assay Kit
The CellSensor™ NFAT HEK 293T DA (Division Arrested) cells contain a beta-lactamase reporter gene under the control of the Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells (NFAT) response element stably integrated into HEK 293T cells.
Marke: Thermo Scientific™ K1455
The CellSensor™ NFAT HEK 293T DA (Division Arrested) cells contain a beta-lactamase reporter gene under the control of the Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells (NFAT) response element stably integrated into HEK 293T cells. Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) was used to isolate clones responsive to stimulation of the NFAT pathway by PMA (Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate) and Thapsagargin (Thaps). The cell line was validated for DMSO tolerance, cell number, stimulation time, substrate loading conditions, and EC50 concentration of Thaps at a fixed concentration of PMA. DA cells are irreversibly division arrested using a low-dose treatment of Mitomycin C, and have no apparent toxicity or change in cellular signal transduction.
This product can serve as a negative control in screening assays performed with specific G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) DA cells that were made from this same background or these cells can be used in other assays where a sensitive readout to intracellular changes in calcium are needed.

Zellen mit arretierter Teilung | |
GPCRs, Signalweg | |
CellSensor™ | |
Zellen mit arretierter Teilung | |
Signalweg |
Jedes Kit enthält ausreichende Mengen an DA (Division Arrested)-Zellen und Substrat zur Analyse von 1 x 384 Well-Platte. (Weitere Materialien sind separat erforderlich; siehe Protokoll). Lieferumfang: o CellSensor™ NFAT-HEK-293T-DA-Zellen o LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladekit, 70 µg o Lösung D o CellSensor™ HEK-293T-CHO-K1 Assay-Protokoll o LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladeprotokoll o Analysenzertifikat Die CellSensor™ NFAT-HEK-293T-DA-Zellen werden auf Trockeneis geliefert und sollten sofort nach Erhalt in flüssigem Stickstoff gelagert werden. |
CellSensor™ NFAT HEK293T DA Zellen, LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladekit 70 μg, Lösung D, CellSensor™ HEK293T CHO-K1 Assay-Protokoll, LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladeprotokoll, Analysezertifikat | |
1 Platte | |
CellSensor™ |
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Chargennummer | Art des Zertifikats | Datum | Catalog Number |
40665 | Analysenzertifikat | 15/04/2017 | K1455 |
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Nur für Forschungszwecke. Nicht zur Verwendung bei diagnostischen Verfahren.