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Thermo Scientific™ CellSensor™ ISRE-bla RA-1-Zelllinie
The CellSensor™ ISRE-bla RA-1 Cell Line contains the beta-lactamase (bla) gene under the control of the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE).
Marke: Thermo Scientific™ K1674
The CellSensor™ ISRE-bla RA-1 Cell Line contains the beta-lactamase (bla) gene under the control of the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE). This cell line was engineered by lentiviral transduction of an ISRE-bla construct into RA-1 cells. Flow cytometry was then used to isolate a pool of cells responsive to polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) stimulation. ISRE-bla RA-1 cells have been tested for assay performance using variable assay conditions, including DMSO concentration, cell number, stimulation time, substrate loading time, as well as validated for Z'-factor and EC50 concentrations of poly I:C. Additional testing data using alternate stimuli are also available. Academic and non-profit customers, please inquire for special pricing.

Zellbasiertes Beta-Lactamase-Reportergen | |
CellSensor™ Zelllinien werden auf Trockeneis geliefert. Sofort nach Erhalt in Flüssigstickstoff lagern oder zur sofortigen Verwendung auftauen. | |
Fluoreszent | |
Beta-Lactamase-Gen unter Kontrolle des Interferon-stimulierten Reaktionselements (ISRE) | |
1 Fläschchen | |
TLR3/TBK1/IRF3-Signalweg, TBK1, IRF3, TLR3 | |
CellSensor™ |
Teilende Zellen | |
CellSensor™ ISRE-bla RA-1-Zelllinie, 1 Fläschchen, ∽ 5,000,000 Zellen pro Fläschchen bei 5,000,000 Zellen/ml, ISRE-bla RA-1-Zelllinie, Fluoreszenznachweisverfahren, CellSensor™ Druggable Target, Suspensionswachstumseigenschaften, Lagerung in Flüssigstickstoff | |
Pharmazie und Biopharmazie, Arzneimittelforschung und -entwicklung, Ziel- und Verlaufserkennung und -validierung, Pfadbiologie, zelluläre Pfadanalyse-Assays, CellSensor™ Zelluläre Pfad-Assays | |
CellSensor™ | |
ISRE-bla RA-1 | |
CellSensor™ ISRE-bla RA-1-Zelllinie | |
Signalweg |
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