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Mettler Toledo™ F1 Premium Cylindrical Knob Weights
Used in mass labs all over the world, and for calibration of analytical and micro balances
Marke: Mettler Toledo™ 00158656
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Initial weight calibration uses robotic technology which excludes human error and leads to consistent and reproducible results with low uncertainty values Premium, vacuum melted steel offers an anticorrosive surface, and low magnetization and susceptibility values Monobloc design and electro polishing of surface provide maximum stability
Gewicht, mit Knopf, einteilig (Monobloc) | |
OIML Klasse F1 | |
50 g | |
50 g | |
Kunststoffbox | |
1 |
ISO17025, ISO9001, ISO14001 environmental standard | |
Edelstahl | |
8 kg/dm3 bei 20°C | |
Zylindrisch | |
Jeweils |
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Name des Produkts
Mettler Toledo™ F1 Premium Cylindrical Knob Weights > Nominal mass: 50g
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