Tonbo Biosciences
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Flow Cytometry Antibodies - Same clones and quality, with the best pricing in the industry!
Tonbo Biosciences is your valued source for immunology tools, providing the same established clones you trust in familiar formats you use every day.
Our Antibodies and Flow Cytometry reagents are manufactured with the highest quality and precision, and validated for consistent performance in multiparametric experiments.
Tonbo Biosciences offers a carefully selected portfolio of antibodies and fluorophores designed to provide researchers with flow cytometry reagents that are used in the majority of staining protocols.
Antibodies are benchmarked against matched clones from other leading vendors in order to provide our customers with equivalent or better performing products.
A range of fluorochrome-conjugated formats are available, covering the most commonly used lasers from violet to red.
- Company founded in 2011
- Dedicated team with demonstrated experience
- Products: 1,200+ antibodies & flow cytometry support reagents