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Thermo Scientific™ POROS™ Benzyl Ultra Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin

Thermo Scientific™ POROS™ Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.

Marke:  Thermo Scientific™ A32567

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Artikelnummer. 18745445

  • 1800.00 € / 250 Milliliter

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POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules. This unique resin provides high resolution and capacity while maintaining excellent pressure flow characteristics, helping increase productivity.

POROS Benzyl HIC Resin is designed on the well-established cross‐linked poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) POROS base bead with aromatic hydrophobic benzyl ligand, suited for both bind/elute and flow-through purifications.

Features of POROS Benzyl HIC Resin include:

  • Superior resolution capability while maintaining excellent pressure-flow properties, achieved by combining the high-flow characteristics of a POROS base bead with a 50 micron particle size. Higher flow rates help improve productivity.
  • Unique selectivity due to the aromatic hydrophobic ligand, allowing for purification of a wide range of biomolecules, including therapeutic proteins, antibody fragments, antibody drug conjugates, and enzymes
  • High capacity, reducing the process volume significantly for subsequent steps
  • A rigid polymeric bead with covalent surface chemistry for easier handling and packing with superior physical and chemical stability, allowing cleaning with various clean-in-place (CIP) solutions such as sodium hydroxide and enabling a more robust downstream purification process

These features of POROS Benzyl HIC Resin are a major improvement to the performance of traditional HIC resins, setting the standard for hydrophobic interaction chromatography. POROS Benzyl HIC Resin combines superior and consistent performance, exceptional customer support, strong operational excellence, and a strong legacy based on proven technology from a well-established chromatography resin supplier. This resin comes with complete technical and regulatory support. POROS Benzyl HIC Resin is available in various bulk package sizes for large-scale purification, as well as pre-packed columns for initial process development.

Main characteristics

  • Support matrix: cross-linked poly(styrene-divinylbenzene)
  • Average particle size: 50 μm
  • Ligand: benzyl/aromatic
  • pH range: 1–14
  • Ionic strength range: 0 to 5 M, all common salts
  • Mechanical resistance: 100 bar (1450 psi; 10 MPa)
  • Shipping solution: 18% (v/v) ethanol


Benzyl Ultra Resin
50 μm
High-Density Benzyl/Aromatic
250 mL
Bei Raumtemperatur lagern.


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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