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Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Pure DNA Blood Kit

Achieve rapid, reproducible purification of high-quality DNA from fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate with this unique nucleic acid purification workflow.


Probentyp Fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate
Geeignete nachgelagerte Analyse PCR, Real-time PCR, Enzymatic Reactions
Elutionsvolumen (metrisch) 200µL sample: 100µL (Duo) or 150µL (Flex). 1mL sample: 500µL. Recommended but adjustable
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Achieve rapid, reproducible purification of high-quality DNA. The Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Pure DNA Blood Kit, together with a KingFisher magnetic particle processor, allows rapid and reproducible purification of high-quality DNA from fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate. Thermo Scientific KingFisher Kits complete the unique nucleic acid purification workflow providing an optimized high throughput method for extreme flexibility.

  • Produces isolated DNA that is free of inhibitors and ready for use in many downstream applications
  • Easy-to-use protocols for safe sample-handling, as well as minimal user input, maximizing walkaway time.
  • Excellent performance and consistency of results optimized to produce high yields of quality DNA
  • Large volume sample input possible up to 3mL of blood per sample
  • Flexible throughput from one sample to up to 96 samples per run
  • Minimized hands-on time increases efficiency
  • Compatible with most common downstream analysis and applications

Recommended for:

Genomics, target identification, veterinary assays, biomarker discovery, quality control



Fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate
PCR, Real-time PCR, Enzymatic Reactions
200µL sample: 100µL (Duo) or 150µL (Flex). 1mL sample: 500µL. Recommended but adjustable
Sicherheit und Handhabung

Sicherheit und Handhabung

Ergänzende Informationen
  • MIXTURE LIST-Enthält: Sodium perchlorate,Triton X-100, Guanidine hydrochloride, Proteinase K

Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Pure DNA Blood Kit

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