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Cytiva™ HyClone™ ActiPro™ Cell Culture Media

Chemically defined ADCF cell culture medium providing high yields of recombinant proteins in processes using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells.

115.00 €


Zelllinie CHO
Zelltyp CHO
Klassifikation Proteinproduktion
Culture Type Säugetierzellkultur
Expressionssystem Säugetiere
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Produkte 1
Produktcode Marke Menge Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Produktcode Marke Menge Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
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1000 mL
115.00 €
1 Liter
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HyClone™ ActiPro™ cell culture media has been formulated to provide high yields of recombinant proteins in bioprocesses using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. The cultured medium is chemically defined, animal-derived component-free (ADCF), and optimized for high-yield protein expression and production in batch or CHO fed-batch cell culture processes.

  • Demonstrates high yields of recombinant protein
  • Does not contain hypoxanthine and thymidine (HAT supplement)
  • Chemically defined ADCF mAb media formulation
  • Production medium for batch or fed-batch fermentation processes

HyClone™ ActiPro™ cell culture medium is available in both liquid and powder forms for cell culture bioprocesses. This chemically defined medium is intended for use in combination with HyClone™ ActiSM™ medium and Cell Boost™ 7a and Cell Boost™ 7b supplements. ActiPro™ media and supplements are formulated for industrial production of recombinant proteins, including those requiring complex post-translational modifications and correct protein folding. In addition, this engineered ActiPro™ system of media and supplements can significantly reduce production process time.

The ActiPro™ system is suitable for general cell culture biomanufacturing with CHO cell lines such as CHO-GS, CHO-K1, CHO-DG44, and CHO-S. ActiPro™ cell culture media and supplements were designed with adaptation and CHO protein production in mind. ActiPro™ media and supplements are balanced formulations of amino acids, vitamins, salts, trace elements, and other components, meeting the metabolic needs of CHO cells in production. The cell culture system does not contain peptides, hydrolysates, phenol red, 2-mercaptoethanol, or growth factors such as insulin, to ensure batch-to-batch consistency and increased cell culture bioprocess efficiency. For fast-growing CHO cells with higher carbon consumption, glucose supplementation is needed.



0.2 μm steril gefiltert
Kein Glutamin, Kein Thymidin, Kein Hypoxanthin
Steril gefiltert
Poloxamer 188
HyClone™ Actipro™
Sicherheit und Handhabung

Sicherheit und Handhabung

missing translation for 'shelfLife' : 12 Monate

Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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