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HLA-E Monoclonal Antibody (MEM-E/08), Invitrogen™

Mouse Monoclonal Antibody

Marke:  Invitrogen MA119362

306.60 EUR gültig bis 2025-03-16
Benutzen Sie den Promotions-Code "24070" um Ihren Promotions-Preis zu erhalten.

Artikelnummer. 11584622

  • 438.00 € / 100 Mikrogramm

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This antibody recognizes native surface-expressed HLA-E, but not denaturated heavy chain of HLA-E. It shows only with weak cross-reactivity with following classical MHC Class I molecules (MHC Class Ia): HLA-A24, -B7, -B27, -B51, -B54, -C7.

HLA-E belongs to the HLA class I heavy chain paralogues. This class I molecule is a heterodimer consisting of a heavy chain and a light chain (beta-2 microglobulin). The heavy chain is anchored in the membrane. HLA-E binds a restricted subset of peptides derived from the leader peptides of other class I molecules. The heavy chain is approximately 45 kDa and its gene contains 8 exons. Exon one encodes the leader peptide, exons 2 and 3 encode the alpha1 and alpha2 domains, which both bind the peptide, exon 4 encodes the alpha3 domain, exon 5 encodes the transmembrane region, and exons 6 and 7 encode the cytoplasmic tail. HLA and MHC antibodies play a significant role in Immunopeptidomics, facilitating the identification and characterization of neoantigens through high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem Mass Spectrometry.


1 mg/mL
PBS with 15mM sodium azide; pH 7.4
Recombinant HLA-E refolded with beta-2 Microglobulin and peptide.
100 μg
Flow Cytometry, Immunoprecipitation
A29 protein; antigen presenting molecule; Aw-33; Aw-74; DAMA-277I14.1; DAQB-90C11.16; DKFZp686P19218; EA1.2; EA2.1; FLJ26655; HLA A; HLA class I antigen; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A alpha chain; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-1 alpha chain; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-30 alpha chain; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-33 alpha chain; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-74 alpha chain; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain E; HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, E alpha chain; HLA locus; HLA-6.2; HLAA; HLA-A; HLA-A locus alpha 2 domain; HLA-A null; HLA-A11; HLA-A33; HLA-Aw33.1; HLA-DQB1; HLA-DRB1; HLAE; HLA-E; Human leukocyte antigen A; leukocyte antigen class I-A; lymphocyte antigen; major histocompatibility complex, class I, A; major histocompatibility complex, class I, E; MCH class I antigen; MHC; MHC 1; MHC class 1 antigen; MHC class I anti; MHC Class I antigen; MHC class I antigen A*30; MHC class I antigen A*33; MHC class I antigen A*74; MHC class I antigen E; MHC class I antigen heavy chain; MHC class I antigen HLA-A heavy chain; MHC class I antigen HLA-A33; MHC class I antigen null protein; MHC class I antigene; MHC class II antigen; MHC classI antigen; MHC HLA-E alpha-1; MHC HLA-E alpha-2.1; MHC1; QA1; sHLA-E; Soluble HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, alpha chain E; truncated MHC class I antigen
Protein A
4° C, do not freeze


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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