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Thermo Scientific™ GeneBLAzer™ RXR-beta DA Assay-Kit
GeneBLAzer™RXR beta DA (Division Arrested) cells and RXR beta-UAS-bla HEK 293T cells contain the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the human Retinoid X Receptor beta (RXR beta) fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4 stably integrated in the GeneBLAzer™UAS-bla HEK 293T cell line.
Marke: Thermo Scientific™ K1405
GeneBLAzer™RXR beta DA (Division Arrested) cells and RXR beta-UAS-bla HEK 293T cells contain the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the human Retinoid X Receptor beta (RXR beta) fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4 stably integrated in the GeneBLAzer™UAS-bla HEK 293T cell line. GeneBLAzer™UAS-bla HEK 293T cells stably express a beta-lactamase reporter gene under the transcriptional control of an upstream activator sequence (UAS). When an agonist binds to the LBD of the GAL4 (DBD)-RXR beta (LBD) fusion protein, the protein binds to the UAS, resulting in expression of beta-lactamase. DA cells are irreversibly division arrested using a low-dose treatment of Mitomycin-C, and have no apparent toxicity or change in cellular signal transduction. Both RXR beta DA cells and RXR beta-UAS-bla HEK 293T cells are functionally validated for Z' and EC50 concentrations of 9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis-RA). In addition, RXR beta-UAS-bla HEK 293T cells have been tested for assay performance under variable conditions, including DMSO concentration, cell number, and stimulation time.

Progesteron | |
Zellbasiertes Beta-Lactamase-Reportergen | |
Versand: Trockeneisenlagerung: -80 °C/Flüssigstickstoff Ausreichend „Division Arrested“-Zellen und Substrat, für den Assay einer 384-Well-Platte. Lieferumfang: RXR-Beta-HEK-293T-DA-Zellen (K1405A)LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladekit, 70 μg | |
Fluoreszent | |
RXRβ | |
R5020 | |
1 Platte | |
293T (HEK) | |
GeneBLAzer™ RXR Beta DA-Assay-Kit | |
GeneBLAzer™ |
RU 486 | |
Zellen mit arretierter Teilung | |
GeneBLAzer™ RXR Beta DA-Assay Kit, 1 Platte, ∽4,800,000 Zellen/Fläschchen bei Zellen/ml Zellmenge, 293T (HEK)-Zelllinie, Fluoreszenznachweisverfahren, Zellkern-Reporter Druggable Target, BLA (Beta-Lactamase)-Reporter, adhärente Wachstumseigenschaften, Lagerung in Flüssigstickstoff/–80 °C | |
Zelluläre Bildgebung, Pharmzie und Biopharmzie, Ziel- und Verlaufserkennung und -validierung, zielgerichtete adme/tox-Assays, Zellanalyse, zellbasierte Reporterassays, zellbasierte und Lactamase-Assays, Arzneimittelforschung und -entwicklung, Kernrezeptorbiologie, zellkernbasierte Rezeptor-Reporter-Assays, zielgerichtete ADME/tox-Assays, zelluläre adme-Assays, Zellkern-Reporter-adme-Assays | |
RXR-beta HEK 293T DA-Zellen (K1405A) LiveBLAzer™-FRET B/G Ladekit, 70 μg | |
GeneBLAzer™ | |
BLA (Beta-Lactamase) | |
RXR-beta, NR2B2, RXRB | |
293T (HEK) | |
Kernrezeptoren |
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