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Axygen™ Axygen™ Biomek™ FX/NX Roboter-Spitzen

Axygen Robotik-Spitzen werden nach strengen Vorgaben und unter strenger Verfahrensüberwachung hergestellt und mittels Automatisierung montiert, um eine gleichbleibende Leistung und Qualität zu gewährleisten.

Marke:  Axygen™ FX-255-WB-R-S

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The Axygen brand range of products includes a comprehensive line of tips for Beckman Coulter automated liquid handling systems. These tips are manufactured to stringent specifications under strict process controls and assembled via automation to ensure consistent performance and quality. The pipette tips are also available with MAXYMum Recovery, a unique low-retention technology that improves tip performance and maximizes the use of your precious samples.

  • Available in racked, racked sterile and with aerosol barrier (filtered)
  • Compatible with Beckman Biomek FX and Beckman Multimek instruments with an AP96 head
  • Also compatible with Span-8 pod when Liquid Level Sensing function is turned off
  • Unsurpassed straightness to ensure tip enters the well smoothly, every time
  • 384/1536-well compatible to meet your most demanding applications
  • Wide bore tips are ideal for pipetting viscous materials, genomic DNA or delicate cell cultures
  • Fine Point improves accuracy and precision at lower sample volumes
  • Maxymum recovery™ tips reduce sample loss, improves reproducibility and accuracy, minimizes usage of precious samples and reagents



250 μL
Not Autoclavable
DNase, RNase and Pyrogen free
Rack, 96
10 Racks/Pk, 5 Pks/Cs.
Beckman Biomek
Non-pyrogenic, used for stringent specifications under strict process controls
Automation, Wide Orifice
Beckman Coulter Biomek FX, Beckman Coulter Biomek NX, Beckman Coulter Biomek 3000, Beckman Coulter Multimek AP96, Beckman Coulter Multimek SPAN-8, Beckman Coulter Multimek MP20, Beckman Coulter Multimek MP200


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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Name des Produkts
Axygen™ Axygen™ Biomek™ FX/NX Roboter-Spitzen > 96-well tips; 250 μL; Wide Bore, Sterile, Clear

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