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STEMCELL Technologies 37 μm Reversible Strainer, Large
Reversible strainers are designed for filtration of single cells and isolation of cellular aggregates
Marke: STEMCELL Technologies 27250
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- Reversible strainers are designed for filtration of single cells and isolation of cellular aggregates
- They are available in 3 mesh sizes: 37 μm (white), 70 μm (orange), and 100 μm (gray)
- Single cells and objects smaller than the mesh will pass through the strainer and can be collected; larger aggregates will be trapped on the strainer and can be recovered separately
- Strainers can be stacked for more precise size selection
- Reversible strainers can be used for harvesting embryoid bodies (EBs) and spheroids from AggreWell™ plates (e.g. Catalog #34811)
- Other applications include isolation of single cells, e.g. after tissue dissociation or prior to flow cytometry
- The small strainers (Catalog #27215/27216/27217) are compatible with 14 - 15 mL conical tubes (e.g. Catalog #38009) and 3 - 5 mL round-bottom tubes (e.g. Catalog #38007); the large strainers (Catalog #27250/27260/27270) are compatible with 50 mL conical tubes (e.g. Catalog #38010)
Large, 25/Box | |
Cell Culture; Cell Isolation; Spheroid Culture |
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